Temporary Erosion Sediment Control

Stormwater pollution prevention has been a requirement for contractors and industrial operators since it was authorized by the Clean Water Act of 1972.

Even if you are new to stormwater pollution prevention, you need not waste time “recreating the wheel.” Control measures’ performance has been researched and analyzed, leading to a number of principles and practices that can help make your stormwater pollution prevention plan (SWPPP) more effective.

Stormwater Pollution Prevention General Principles

The EPA has outlined a number of principles that should be applied to every SWPPP to integrate preventive and active measures:

  • Pollution prevention
    Preventing pollutants from being discharged into local waterbodies is both cheaper and better for the environment than remediation measures.
  • Minimizing exposure
    Pollution can be reduced or eliminated by the careful handling and storage of potential pollutants where they do not come into contact with water from storm events.
  • Combining controls
    The most effective SWPPP include both structural controls, like inlet protection and silt fences, and non-structural controls, including good housekeeping practices and employee training.
  • Examining your site’s pollutant sources
    In order to prevent pollution, you must be able to locate potential point sources. Pollutant sources must be identified on the project or facility sitemap in your SWPPP.
  • Maximizing infiltration
    Reducing the volume and velocity of stormwater runoff by allowing water to be absorbed by the ground helps prevent or reduce erosion.
  • Using existing vegetated areas
    Existing vegetation, whether natural or engineered, can be an effective and cost-effective BMP for sediment and/or erosion
  • Buffering on-site/adjacent water bodies or drainage systems
    Minimizing the amount of stormwater that flows to your site from neighboring land can reduce the potential and capacity of stormwater to carry pollutants to local waterbodies.

The most effective SWPPPs combine preventive and active stormwater pollution controls, and applying these principles will ensure that your plan does.